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To ask?  Give us a call!  0  61 02/3 75 34 - 40

Congratulations! Your training as a PTA / BTA / CTA or MTA, your scientific or medical studies or your advanced training as a certified pharmaceutical representative * (IHK) was no picnic. Sometimes you might even have felt that it wasn't worth all the stress ... and now you have the certificate in your hand!

And now? Distribution?! Cleaning the handle ?! Let others refer to you as a saleswoman ?! All the hard work for that ?! 


Cleaning clinics as a scientist?

No, that would probably make little sense. But that has little to do with the job of a pharmaceutical consultant. Allow us to provide you with some information on the job description and thus to contribute to providing more clarity, especially for people who are allowed to practice by law.

Here are some answers to the most frequently asked questions:


New job? - We do it for you!

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